Social Network

How easy it has become a means of communication. Facebook, Twitter, hoyasaayapa, Viber, etc; When the desire to chat, make video calls. Whatever part of the country that came in a moment later, a small mobile phone screen.
As much as the media has been quick to relationships. Mobile phones have limited time to read some of the private schools, the rest of the house. We, buy five rupees five hundred messages. The message was bandhumahale storm. At the time of our last message "humm" or ":)" or "lol" would not have written. Had "is the message can not be my friend again, except on Friday. Tomorrow you come to school ..."
Now the media is moving at a speed dangerous and terrible at relationships have ended. Friend or kantaka now lists hundreds of names known. Green sign next to the name. However, there is a message. That is the message in a few words that spring, twenty of which means "Brother, stop!"
I'm not saying that I wrote a letter to me that the pigeon legs bound. I mean, I get a message on my mobile. Facebook, hoyasaayapa, bhaibare to the message or the Internet, and what is the cost.
The relations expensive. Relationships "seen" from the release. Saving relationships. Karacche relationships scream. Life, relationships, love, respect, and friendship is not cheap; Give them value. You can not write a letter, you can only give a message. That's the least :)
I do not know, that does not mean what it did.

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